Welcome to the Physics Academy of the North East (PANE)

Promoting physics education and research in North-East India since 1998.


The Physics Academy of the North East is the largest science academy in Northeast India. This is also one of the oldest academies in the region. The academy is the brainchild of a gathering of eminent physicists of Northeast India, on November 11, 1997, at IIT Guwahati, celebrating hundred years of discovery of electron. The galaxy of this gathering included Prof. K. M. Pathak (founding Vice-Chancellor of Tezpur University), Y. V. G. S. Murti (Founding Head, Department of Physics, IIT Guwahati) among others. The PANE was formally inaugurated by the well-known educationist and physicist, Prof. G. C. Deka at IIT Guwahati on April 6, 1998, in a function chaired by Dr. D. N. Buragohain, the then director of the institute. The headquarter of the academy was at IIT Guwahati.


The following was the first executive body:

  • Honourary President: Prof. Kishori Mohan Pathak, Founding Vice Chancellor, Tezpur University
  • Executive President: Prof. Y. V. G. S. Murti, IIT Guwahati
  • Vice President: Prof. Dilip Kumar Choudhury, Gauhati University
  • Secretary: Prof. Amarjyoti Choudhury, Tezpur University
  • Treasurer: Prof. Alika Khare, IIT Guwahati
  • Members: Prof. Kulendu Pathak (former Vice Chancellor, Dibrugarh University), Prof. G. K. D. Mazumdar (Gauhati University), Prof. R. P. Alapati (NEIRST, Itanagar), Prof. D. P. Sarma (Nagaland University), Prof. Barin Kumar De (Tripura University)

The academy has been registered under societies registration act since June 19, 2002.






I am extremely happy to launch a digital website for the “Physics Academy of the North East (PANE)”. This is a good opportunity to upgrade our ICT skills as well. I consider it is a great landmark for PANE to have its own official website to show the great foundation of PANE and its emerging trends.

PANE is now looking for more avenues and scopes in the near future to expand its horizon. One of the important agenda is the publication of a technical Research Journal of Physics as Proceeding of the Physics Academy of North East, books and monographs. This effort requires dedicated teamwork for the journal publication on online digital mode in its own website, which would be indexed by Web of Science and Scopus. Now PANE is entering a critical stage in its organization and objectives. ...

I wish to reiterate that PANE has its well defined constitution and by-laws, and the Academy is running exactly in accordance to it. It has already passed the critical test of consistency and stability with time since its inception on April 6, 1998. Now it has become a reality and it has earned its confidence even in funding agencies like DST, Govt. of India. It has expanded its tentacles in other part of India.

Out of many agenda of PANE, there are three important compulsory events of PANE: Biennial National PANE Conference, Publication of yearly PANE Newsletter, PANE foundation Day lecture by eminent physicist of the country. The fourth one is the topical workshop sponsored by PANE. PANE has also outreach programs from time to time. PANE also felicitates our veteran physicists and educationists from North East during PANE conferences, and also introduces award of “Senior Affiliates” to retired physicists where they can use “Affiliation of PANE” in their publications and other activities and program.

I wish to join my colleagues in the Executive Committee of PANE, to welcome the launching of dedicated PANE Website with the hope to build a bigger momentum in future. Long Live PANE.

Prof. N. Nimai singh
President, PANE






Hello everyone! On behalf of Physics Academy of the North East (PANE), I offer my heartiest welcome. I served this prestigious academy as the General Secretary for last 3 years from March 2021- March 2024. It’s been 26th years now for the academy. I salute the eminent physicists who started this, namely G C Deka (Ex-principal CC), K M Pathak, Y V G Murthy, Dhirendra Nath Boragohain (then Director, IITG) Kulendu Pathak, D K Choudhury, Amarjyoti Choudhury, Alika Khare, Barin Kr Sarma, Ranjita Deka and many more. Because of those we stand here today. The aims of this academy are: to promote physics research and education among the students of our society. Secondly, there should be wide dissemination of physics information, thoughts and culture among the students. Thirdly, how to make placement of young physics graduates of eight North Eastern states of India. ...

There are many vital activities of PANE throughout the year. The major challenges are to organize the biennial national conference, celebration of PANE foundation day lecture by the prominent physicists of the globe. The conduct of annual theme based or topical conference, college level workshop for under graduates for eight N.E. states is another milestone. Practice has been made to publish the contributed papers (200+) in a reputed and high impact journal so that young research scholar and faculty member are benefitted out of it. We use to publish the manuscripts in Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier). Record number of papers are published for the biennial conferences held at Tripura University (2021) and Manipur University (2022). The next important activity is the publication of book or monograph by the life members of PANE. Two such publications “Recent Treands in Physics Research” and “Conceptual developments of Physics” are enlished. Publication of PANE - a journal of Physics is in progress.

The year 2023 was the “Silver Jubilee for PANE”. The 25th Foundation Day celebration was organized in Pragjyotish College and Dr. Prashanta Kr. Panigrahi, Director of IISER, Kolkata delivered the foundation day lecture. We felicitated Dr Jayanta Kr Sharma, Tezpur University for his outstanding work on the translation of “Principia” of Sir Isaac Newton into Assamese language. The other showcase of our activities is to publish our regular magazine “PANE Newsletters”. The thematical based International Conference and another Annual International conference were held in Assam Don Bosco University during 23-24th January 2024 on “Future in Neutrino and Astro-Particle Physics. The other one was in University of Science and Technology of Meghalaya (USTM) during 29th Feb-2nd March 2024 on “Prospects in Pure and Applied Physics”. Participants were also from Japan, Brazil, Bangladesh, Iran etc. Both the international conferences were a grand success. The 26th Foundation Day of PANE was held in B. Borooah College and Prof. Jiban Jyoti Das of Cotton University delivered a talk on “Prospects of a world class accelerator facility for North East”. He has great experience in establishing RIB facility (7Be) in IUAC, received excellence award from the then director. He worked at Oak Ridge National lab (ORNL), USA and Michigan State University, USA.

Social work should come from everyone's heart. Hope, the new executive committee of PANE can do better in days to come. The digital website of PANE will attract more physics aspirants. We take advice from all stateholders, educationists, scientists from India and abroad to improve our endeavours in the near future. Miles to go ahead ! Long Live PANE !

Prof. Kushal Kalita
Executive President, PANE






I am thankful to all the members of the Physics Academy of the North East (PANE) for electing me as the General Secretary of the academy after its completion of 25 years of glorious existence in the effort for the promotion of physics education and research in the Northeast India. At the onset of this new phase of the PANE, I assure everyone that the PANE will continue its work with further vigour for the betterment of physics in the whole of the Northeast India. In that process, I would request cooperation, support and suggestions from all the life members of the PANE and others. There are a number of novel plans for the growth of the PANE which will be implemented in the near future. Hope that the PANE will be one of the best science academies of the world.

Dr. Samrat Dey
General Secretary, PANE