Biennial Conferences > Regulations


There will be a regular biennial PANE conference on physics at a place of North East India on invitation of any academic or research institute. A local organizing committee (LOC) shall be formed before preferably at least six months from the RPC. PANE will nominate two representatives to the LOC. The LOC shall fix the dates of the RPC generally between October and November. The LOC shall raise fund in its own for the RPC and PANE shall make a token contribution to LOC as decided by the Executive Body. The registration fees for PANE life members to be lesser than other participants. Though the LOC can make the expenditure for the RPC according to the rules and regulations of its own institute, yet LOC is expected to send a copy of the audited accounts to the Executive Body after the RPC. The LOC will ensure that the conference proceedings by reputed publisher/s. The LOC will felicitate a few well known physicists of the region